Princess Shades transforms sunlight into ambient natural light, simply rotate the soft fabric vanes among the two sheer fabric layers to enable natural daylight to spread evenly throughout the room, whilst filtering out brightness and glare. Princess Shades are perfect for humid rooms because they prevent humidity.
Innovative design through a unique three-dimension structure in a wide range of fabrics and colors. These shadings against 99% of harmful UV Rays and are energy efficient.
The Strong, Silent type
The multi-layered fabric is composed of two layers of sheer woven together with one layer of fabric. This unique structure offers excellent sounds absorption along with high energy efficiency.
Easy Operation
Princess Shades Cordless system holds shades securely in any position with no constant adjustment. It makes light, exterior view, and privacy control easier than ever!
Schedule a complimentary consultation so one of our professional designers can help you better decide.